The members of the CALAGUA group also help to train new researchers through the following doctorate programs from Universitat Politècnica de València and Universitat de València:


Universitat Politècnica de València

Doctorate Program in Water and Environmental Engineering


Universitat de València

Doctorate Program in Chemical, Environmental & Process Engineering


Both programs have been awarded the Mention of Quality by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The doctoral theses produced as a result of this part of CALAGUA’s activities can be consulted at the following link.


The CALAGUA group has wide experience in creating and giving specific training courses related to its areas of research, software and developed devices.

The aim of these courses is to train wastewater treatment professionals in the use of specialised tools and skills in all areas of our activities.

The courses offered include the following areas:

  • Wastewater characterisation
  • Wastewater treatment
  • WWTP simulation, design & optimisation
  • Use of DESASS software for WWTP simulation and design
  • Control of water treatment processes
  • Use of LoDif Biocontrol for WWTP optimisation
  • Calibration of water treatment model parameters
  • Use of BioCalibra to characterise wastewater, calibrate activated sludge process parameters and monitor WWTP processes.

Should you wish to take one of our courses, please contact the CALAGUA GROUP by e-mail or the contact form




The members of CALAGUA take part in the teaching activities associated with the official Masters’ degrees in the Universitat Politècnica de València and Universitat de València:


Inter-University UV-UPV

Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering


Universitat Politècnica de València

Master’s Degree in Water and Environmental Engineering

Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering


Universitat de València

Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering